
This guide will show you how to use your YubiKey as a hardware crypto device for local logins. This will not replace your login password, but it will only allow your user account to log in if the YubiKey is present. If not, any password you enter (including the correct one) will be considered “wrong”.

An “attacker” (or really, some guy in the office trying to guess your password) would not be able to see any difference between a genuinely wrong password or the YubiKey not being plugged in.

You will probably use OTP functionality (using HID emulation) in the first slot. This requires constant queries to a server, which is not really ideal for logging in to a local machine. (Let's say you're not connected to the internet all the time.) However, you can also add a challenge response slot next to the OTP slot, which works locally and does not depend on back-end servers. (It also isn't affected by scancode problems Dvorak users have to deal with.)

For this, you will need the YubiKey Personalization tool in Debian/main:

sudo apt install yubikey-personalization

Make sure your YubiKey is plugged in, and run this command (the -2 stands for slot 2):

ykpersonalize -2 -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac -ohmac-lt64 -oserial-api-visible

And commit with Y.

Now you have your YubiKey set up, it is time to create a challenge file. This requires the ykpamcfg tool from Debian/main:

sudo apt install libpam-yubico

Run this command afterwards:

ykpamcfg -2 -v

This will create a file in ~/.yubico called challenge-$serialnumber.

Rename the challenge part to your user name. So for instance, if your user name is cindy and the serial number of your YubiKey is 246837, run:

mv ~/.yubico/challenge-246837 ~/.yubico/cindy-246837

Placing the challenge file

It's best to move the challenge file outside of your user directory (for instance, you might be using ecryptfs) and set strong permissions.

sudo mv ~/.yubico /var/yubico
sudo chown -R root:root /var/yubico
sudo chmod 700 /var/yubico
sudo chmod 600 /var/yubico/cindy-246837

First off, open a root terminal in case you mess it up.

sudo -s

Then, open another terminal and run:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure libpam-yubico

When it asks for the configuration line, delete everything and add this:

mode=challenge-response chalresp_path=/var/yubico

Then hit <Ok>.

Now it will ask you to select the PAM profiles you wish to enable.

Make sure that the Yubico authentication with YubiKey option is enabled ([*]) and hit <Ok>.

Remove your YubiKey and open a new terminal. Then try to become root with sudo:

sudo -s

Enter your password. It should print Sorry, try again. even though your password is correct.

Hit Ctrl+C and plug in your YubiKey. Then try again:

sudo -s

Enter your password. It should now show a root prompt.

Session logins

This same mechanism also works with tty logins, display managers and lock screens. Your YubiKey must be present for any password to work. And if you plug in your YubiKey after starting the authentication (in GDM, this means clicking your user name), you must cancel it first and retry with the YubiKey present.