Table of Contents

SPI pinout

Raspberry Pi GPIO

The numbers correspond to the pins on the Raspberry Pi. The locations on the chip correspond to the pins on the chip.
The dot on the chip is CS.


-	21
14	24
-	-
-	-
-	-
-	-
19	17
23	-


24	17
21	-
-	23
14	19

BBB -> RPI -> ZCCF pin conversion table

Some manuals use the BeagleBone Black in their pin references. You can use this table to convert those pins to Raspberry Pi and Zerocat Chipflasher pins.

VCC	3.3V	17	1 (VDD)
CS	17	24	5 (CE#)
MISO	21	21	6 (MISO)
GND	 1	14	8 (GND)
MOSI	18	19	4 (MOSI)
CLK	22	23	3 (SCLK)