===== quietlife.nl wiki ===== \\ ==== Manuals ==== \\ === Servers === [[manuals:servers:apache|Apache and Let's Encrypt with strong SSL ciphers]]\\ [[manuals:servers:nginx|nginx and Let's Encrypt with strong SSL ciphers]]\\ [[manuals:servers:mailserver|Setting up a Postfix + Dovecot mailserver]]\\ [[manuals:servers:xmpp|Setting up a Prosody XMPP chat server]]\\ [[manuals:servers:irc-bouncer|Setting up ZNC: an IRC bouncer]]\\ \\ === Networking === [[manuals:networking:openwrt-freedom-ftth|OpenWrt with Freedom Internet FttH]]\\ [[manuals:networking:openwrt-freedom-vdsl|OpenWrt with Freedom Internet VVDSL2]]\\ [[manuals:networking:ssh-tunnels|Connecting to a server's web interface with SSH]]\\ [[manuals:networking:openvpn-6in4|OpenVPN with a 6in4 tunnel]]\\ [[manuals:networking:network-sane|Setting up a network scanner with SANE]]\\ \\ === Hardware === [[manuals:hardware:dvb-gnu-linux|Watching TV over the air on GNU/Linux]]\\ [[manuals:hardware:sdr-gnu-linux|Software-defined radio on GNU/Linux]]\\ \\ === Security === [[manuals:security:yubikey-pam-desktop|Using a YubiKey as two-factor authentication for Debian desktops]]\\ \\ ---- ==== coreboot ==== [[coreboot:start|coreboot start page]]\\ ---- ==== Zerocat Chipflasher ==== [[coreboot:zerocat-chipflasher:start|Zerocat Chipflasher start page]]\\ ----